3 x 50 mins Individual Coaching sessions (Zoom)-$235 USD*

Individual Coaching

A private circle ( just YOU and I) to dig deep and get clarity around what heart work is calling you to notice, take action and be supported in it.


I support clients in their recovery of:

  • substance use/misuse

  • sober curious

  • longterm recovery/refresh/reboot

Let’s get clear on:

  • FOUNDATIONS in your life around: home/work/relationships/self care/creativity/health


Alongside the work you are doing with your ED and trauma therapists, clinical health care providers and RD’s, WE create a circle that supports you in the ways the ways YOU require for your healing: mentally, physically and emotionally, with intuitive eating and anti-diet approaches.

I support clients in their recovery of:

  • Substance use and disordered eating (Both intertwined)

  • Diet culture and diet cycles

  • Orthorexia

  • Restriction/Binge cycles

  • Relationship with their body

  • Fat stigmatization

ONE off coaching session-$100 ( USD)

  • Payment plans available…please ask, seriously!

  • Sliding Scale available


  • 50 minute Zoom session

*Each individual coaching container is custom created based on each person’s unique needs.





These circles provide a space for you to check-in each week, dig a bit deeper and receive support on where you are at in your recovery and healing.


  • 60-90 min weekly sessions on Zoom

  • Check in, support and coaching specific for you and what you are dealing with each week.

  • Optional topic each week including Shame, Restriction, Connection, Recovery tools, Boundaries PLUS many more.

  • Support if you are creating structure with your eating and meals as well as your needs in recovery of substance use.

  • Unpack the guilt, shame and judgment and learn how feelings/thoughts play a role in your relationship with your body and food and movement

  • Support as you start to get clarity about the rules you have around living in recovery, around food, your body and movement and understand if these rules are helpful or harmful.

  • Practice Tools that will NOURISH you; mentally, physically and emotionally.

  • PLUS much much more!

$30 USD per person

May 12, 2024 3pm PDT/6:00 EDT

REGISTER HERE: Body acceptance-May 12, 2024

May 26 2024 3pm PDT/6:00 EDT

REGISTER HERE: Open Topic-May 26, 2024

 The Circles

I am passionate about creating community circles to be used as foundational tool of:




Real time tools are created inside the circles to support us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually in our healing.

All are different but EQUALLY important in our journey.

Consults, payments & cancelation policies

  • All sessions are done online or by phone

  • Payment is required in full before each session

  • Payment plans are available for packages

  • Cancelation policy: 24 hours notice