my story

I used to think that I wanted to tell every client that I talked to … don’t do it the way I did!


… the truth is…my greatest lessons of growth were through the most challenging times.

I now own every stage of my healing and support you in every stage of yours.

I entered the recovery world 18+ years ago as the daughter of a drinker

I was a binge drinker and a blackout drinker and had no-one to talk to about the struggle I felt mentally after each night out.

Shame, stigma & fear overwhelmed me…each and every “morning after”

17+ years ago when I quit drinking, terms like mental health, substance use disorder and recovery were not widely known or used.... they were whispered or talked about in shame, in secret and stigmatized.

Early in my recovery, as I STARTED to address the trauma that I had experienced early in my life, what continued were the physical triggers I was living through, mental health issues of anxiety and depression increasing as well as feelings of shame and my thoughts around perfectionism and self worth.

Other coping mechanisms started to slide in and become prevalent in my life:

  • Codependence

  • Disordered Eating (Restriction and Orthorexia)

  • Over working

I used them to support me in feeling control and feeling safe… without questioning WHY I was feeling out of control and unsafe with no understanding that I could feel different. These coping mechanisms are invisible (I got really good at being “fine”) but “using” them can be just as much of a struggle as drugs or alcohol.

In a seemly random turn of events, a full circle moment happened where I had the opportunity to work at a treatment centre and see first hand the connection between trauma, mental health and addictions.

A lot of pieces of the puzzle fell into place.

Being a professional recovery coach means I get to combine my mental health and addiction education WITH my lived experience to support others who are working their way through their healing/recovery.

As a coach, I meet you exactly where you are at…no judgement, no shame.


I am a:

Certified Holistic Nutritionist

Professional Recovery Coach

In process of being certified as an Intuitive Eating Facilitator.

my values


Learning how to connect with myself and others is a daily practice for my recovery... mentally, physically and emotionally.

Learning how to connect and receive connection are foundational tools I support clients practicing.


Practicing Self Compassion is fundamental in my recovery of disordered eating, diet culture and perfectionism. As a coach, I support clients to practice their "human-ness" by talking about, accepting and owning each experience and supporting them to find the growth opportunities.


Acceptance was huge game changer in my life... through every decision and every major event, I practice "getting to acceptance" almost immediately, so I can get clarity on what TRUTH is and where I am being guided to go.

Supporting my clients means I combine experience, intuition and information to ask the questions that they have not yet asked themselves about the reality of their situation and the narrative they are telling themselves.


I have learned that there is healthy love and love that harms.

I have learned that to love others in the way I want to be loved… I had to grow /cultivate that love within myself...first.

And, I also had to learn how to receive it.

In early healing, for some clients, it is the first time they have experienced this giving and/or receiving. I am here to support them through the uncomfortableness and acceptance of this new love and remind them that it’s the “practice” … it’s not about getting it “right”.

Ready to get started?

I don't have a booking portal as I prefer to have a Zoom to Face connection call with clients before booking them in.

Individual sessions: 50 mins by Zoom

Group Circles: 60- 90 mins by Zoom each week