Speak your truth… for your healing.

Do you find yourself in situations where you say nothing when you have EVERYTHING to say?

As a child, I vividly remember a time when speaking my truth brought the shaming words from an adult that created rules in my head that my truth was not valid, worthy or valued.

Not speaking my truth was an early form of restriction, shrinking myself, not only physically but mentally and emotionally, so I would be accepted as part of my family, friends, my community, my life… without taking up “too much space”.

What does speaking your truth mean for YOU?

If you feel like you can’t… I get it.

I am 18 + years in the RECOVERY world and I only recently started to practice speaking my truth… in the past 5 years!

I stayed silent with family, I stayed silent with friends, at work, with employers and with partners.

I lived a life of ‘restricting’ my thoughts, my opinions, my WORDS and my view on things so that others would be happy, situations would be less confrontative and everyone would be “OK”.


Last week, I found myself feeling very exhausted, in pain and close to burnout…AND the biggest clue I noticed was that I was stepping back from speaking my truth… I was creating stories in my head around people’s reactions, feelings and emotions with no regard for my own.

Not saying what I need to is just like lying for me… and it was a warning that I was starting to operate from my addiction brain versus my healing/recovery brain.

And so I PAUSED and took some time off of social media, took some time away from groups and I connected in real life with amazing humans who I know will hold me in  my truth and love me no matter what.


I connected back with myself, MY truth, who I am and how I want to BE in this world.

 I invite you to practice speaking yours: to yourself and  to others …it IS scary at first but if you practice being supported through that , it can be part of the freedom, joy and acceptance you are looking for in your healing and in your life.
